Programma bekend! StuKO Symposium 11 april 2024

Het programma is bekend!  


For English: see further down the page

Begeleid of train je Students as Teachers?
Ben je zelf een student die onderwijs verzorgt voor medestudenten?
Maak je beleid voor Students as Teachers?  

Kom dan naar het StuKO-symposium op 11 april 2024 te Groningen!

Hieronder vind je de volledige beschrijvingen van de keynote en de workshops.

Schrijf je hier in. Deelname is kosteloos. 


Waarom zien we je graag op 11 april?  

Met dit 2e symposium, StuKO moves forward, willen we delen, vooruitkijken en meer mensen verwelkomen. Wat delen we? Kennis die we hebben verzameld, producten die we hebben ontwikkeld en het netwerk dat we hebben opgebouwd rondom Students as Teachers (SATs). Aan het eind van de dag weet je:

  1. Waarom machtsverhoudingen en emoties een belangrijke rol spelen bij de samenwerking tussen SATs en docenten/ coördinatoren en hoe daar mee om te gaan;
  2. Welke inspirerende ideeën en ervaringen de kwaliteit van onderwijs door SATs kunnen verhogen;
  3. Hoe we de inzet van SATs erkennen en waarderen.

Bovendien is er tijdens de dag volop gelegenheid om elkaar te spreken en ideeën uit te wisselen. Er is een uitgebreide lunch en we sluiten af met een borrel. 

Dus: ben je een student as teacher, trainer, docent, coördinator, begeleider, beleidsmaker of een geïnteresseerde die te maken heeft met student-docenten, dan ben je van harte welkom! NB: voor studenten geldt dat ze hun reiskosten kunnen declareren (op basis van treinkaartje of NS reisoverzicht).

Een korte beschrijving van de keynote en de workshops:

Keynote Ruth Healey  

De keynote wordt verzorgd door Ruth Healey. Zij is professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education en doet onderzoek naar students as partners and change agents. Ze bespreekt de belangrijkste overwegingen voor de samenwerking met SATs, specifiek: 

  • Machtsverhoudingen en hiërarchie;
  • Emoties, attitudes en gedrag;
  • Falen en ruimte voor falen.  

Interactieve workshops  

Tijdens twee interactieve workshoprondes kun je onder andere leren van showcases, ervaren wat de kracht van rollenspellen is bij het trainen van SATs en ontdekken wat er uit de literatuur naar voren komt over het inzetten van SATs. Zie onderaan deze pagina een beschrijving van de keynote en alle workshops. 

Bij de start van het symposium zijn toegangskaartjes voor de workshops te verkrijgen. 

 Dus zet het symposium in je agenda!  

Wanneer:                       11 april 2024:

Hoe laat:                              9.30 uur (inloop) tot 16.30 uur (borrel) 

Waar:                             Meerwold, Laan Corpus Den Hoorn 300, 9728 JT, Groningen ( 

 Aanmelden:                   Kan hier 

Programma met tijden

  • 9.30 – 10.00 uur Inloop
  • 10.00 – 10.35 uur Welkom
  • 10:35 – 12.30 uur Keynote inclusief pauze  van 11.20 tot 11.40 uur en actieve verwerking van de keynote
  • 12.30 – 13.30 uur Lunch
  • 13.30 – 16.00 uur Twee workshoprondes inclusief pauze van 14.30 tot 14.50 uur.
  • 16.00 – 16.30 uur Plenaire afronding
  • 16.30-  borrel


The full program of the 2nd StuKO symposium is a fact! 
Are you a student as teacher, trainer, lecturer, coordinator, supervisor, policy maker or someone interested in working with student as teachers? Then come to the StuKO symposium on April 11, 2024 in Groningen! Do you know someone who works as a Student as Teacher, with Students as Teachers or who is interested in the StuKO project? Please forward this invitation! 
Register here

Participation is free of charge. SATs who are joining the symposium can get their travel expenses reimbursed. You are very welcome! 
Why are we looking forward to meeting you on the 11th of April? 
With this 2nd symposium, ‘StuKO moves forward’, we want to share, look ahead and welcome more people. What do we share? Knowledge we have collected, products we have developed and the network we have built around Students as Teachers (SATs). At the end of the day you will know:  

  • Why power relations and emotions play an important role in the collaboration between SATs and teachers/coordinators and how to deal with them;  
  • What inspiring ideas and experiences can increase the quality of education through SATs; 
  • How we acknowledge and value the efforts of SATs. 

During the day there will be plenty of opportunity to meet each other and exchange ideas. There will be an extensive lunch and we will end with drinks.  


A short impression of the keynote and the workshops. For a detailed description, see further down the page

Keynote Ruth Healey 

The keynote will be provided by Ruth Healey. She is professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and conducts research into students as partners and change agents. She discusses key consideration for working with SATs, specifically: 

  • Power relations and hierarchy; 
  • Emotions, attitudes and behavior; 
  • Failure and room for failure.  

Interactive workshops 

During two rounds with interactive workshops, you can learn from showcases, experience the power of role-playing in training SATs and discover what emerges from the literature about the value of SATs. You will find a more detailed description of the workshops further down the page. Most workshops will be in English, two are in Dutch, as indicated. 

Tickets for the workshops are available at the start of the symposium.  


So put it in your agenda! 

When: the 11th of April, 2024 

What time: 9.30 am (walk-inn) to 4.30 pm (drinks) 

Where: Meerwold, Laan Corpus Den Hoorn 300, 9728 JT, Groningen,  

Program with timeslots

  • 9.30 – 10.00 Walk-inn
  • 10.00 – 10.35 Welcome
  • 10:35 – 12.30 Keynote, including a coffeebreak from 11.20 to 11.40 and interactive elaboration of the keynote
  • 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
  • 13.30 – 16.00 Two rounds of workshops, including a break from 14.30 to 14.50.
  • 16.00 – 16.30 Plenary wrap up
  • 16.30-  drinks

You can register here:

 See you the 11th of April in Groningen at the 2nd StuKO symposium 


Beschrijving van de keynote en de workshopsDescription of keynote and workshops


 By Ruth Healey  

Emotions, power, and failure: Exploring core considerations in developing ‘students as teachers’ partnership working 

“I have a confession to make. This feels a bit risky to do in a scholarly journal, but here goes: Every partnership I have been a part of has been an emotional experience” (Felten 2017: 1)  

Each partnership is unique, hence the approach to working together will vary between partnerships.  This interactive keynote will draw upon a systematic review of over 50 university guides, resources, articles and books on practicing ‘students as partners’ research, to first outline seven core considerations of working in partnership, before focusing in detail on three: Emotions, attitudes, and behaviours; Power relations and hierarchy; and Spaces for failure.  In the context of ‘students as teachers’ partnerships, emotions are an inherent part, for example, fear and anxiety of a lesson not going to plan, and joy when a teaching activity is a success.  Students as teachers manage complex power relations, for example they maybe assessing peers in the morning and meeting them socially later the same day.  And they manage the potential (and sometimes reality) of failure, recognising that failure may have consequences not only for themselves but also for others.  Recognising how partnerships are fundamentally about relationships, and that relationships tend to be underlain by emotions, we will follow Felten’s (2017) lead and explore these core considerations through the lens of emotion.  Second, focusing on students as teachers, we will discuss these core considerations at different stages of the development of partnerships through 1) initiating and involving; 2) commencing and building; 3) developing and establishing; and 4) reflecting, evaluating, celebrating, and sharing.  In doing so, this keynote seeks to normalise discussion of the core considerations of partnership and provide a tool for partners to apply in their partnership contexts. 


 Workshopronde 1 

 1. Improving the preparation of students as teachers: Lessons and expertise from Sweden

By Emma Riese 

Join a dynamic workshop to collaboratively improve the pedagogical training offered to students working as teaching assistants in higher education by learning from experience and research at Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This interactive session invites participants to share valuable insights and expertise and will make you reflect on the teaching assistants’ training needs. To kick off the discussions, Dr. Emma Riese, the workshop facilitator, will share key findings from her research and practice, such as examples of challenges and tricky situations teaching assistants foresee, have experienced, or dread finding themselves in. 

 Emma Riese is a lecturer and PhD at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in Sweden. 


2. SAT 4 inclusion, inclusion 4 SAT.

Door Marieke Slootman

Research shows that when attention for Diversity and Inclusion is lacking, inequlities tend to get worse. Together, we will explore: 

  1. how we can unleash the potential of Student as Teachers (SAT) for creating inclusive education at your institution/ in your education; 
  2. how we can overcome the barriers for inclusion that lead to counterproductive effects? 

After all, SAT and Students as Partners (SAP) offer inspiring opportunities to create participatory, equitable education. In this workshop through discussing mechanisms of inequality, we explore  who benefits from SAT and who doesn’t, and how we can make SAT an empowering way to inclusion! 

 Marieke Slootman is senior researcher at the Hogeschool Inholland, Lectoraat Jeugd & Samenleving / Diversiteitsvraagstukken. 


3. Samen leren door lesgeven: Een nieuwe aanpak om studenten op te leiden tot docent (in Dutch)

Door Richta IJntema   

Hoe bereid je studenten zo effectief mogelijk voor op de rol van student-as-teacher terwijl je hiervoor maar beperkt tijd hebt? Voor deze vraag zagen wij onszelf gesteld in het Train-de-Trainer (TdT) programma waarin we masterstudenten voorbereiden op het geven van onderwijs in gespreksvoering in de bachelor Psychologie. Het antwoord hebben we gevonden in de nieuwe onderwijsaanpak Collaborative Learning-by-Teaching (samen leren door lesgeven). In deze aanpak leiden studenten elkaar op tot docent in plaats van dat stafdocenten dit doen. Om dit mogelijk te maken leggen stafdocenten de verantwoordelijkheid voor het voorbereiden, geven en coördineren van het TdT-programma volledig in handen van studenten. In deze workshop ontdek je waarom dit een veelbelovende aanpak is om studenten in het hoger onderwijs voor te bereiden op de rol van student-as-teacher. 

 Richta IJntema werkt als universitair docent aan de UU bij de afdeling Sociale, Gezondheids- en Organisatiepsychologie. Daarnaast werkt zij als zelfstandig gevestigd psycholoog. 


4. Role play as a powerful tool in trainings SAT’s

By Laura Brunekreeft, Reyn van den Kieboom and Dawood Dawood, with support of Jan Martens and Hanneke Pieters 

Students who have participated in a StuKO training (and will receive their Edubadge!) will lead this workshop. They offer participants an experimental insight into practicing various methods of motivating students through role play. The exercise resolves around the question “How can you, as a Student as Teacher, best act and communicate to encourage desired behavior in students?”  In this workshop, participants are invited to actively engage in role play. 

Laura Brunekreeft, Reyn van den Kieboom and Dawood Dawood are students  Mechanical Engineering and Students as Teachers at the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen.   

Hanneke Pieters is a teacher Mechanical Enigneering and coordinator of the support program, Jan Martens is teacher at the Educational Academy, they are both supervising teachers and work at het Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen.; . 


5. When and how can students excel as teachers? Advice based on a systematic literature review. 

By Izaak Dekker en Marieke Thurlings 

Under the right conditions, students can excel as teachers. What can we learn from the scientific literature about those ideal conditions? As part of the StuKO project we conducted a systematic literature review to find out how students were prepared for teaching, what type of teaching tasks they performed and what this offered them and the students who they taught. During the workshop we will connect the practical experiences of the participants with the findings from our review. 

Izaak Dekker is senior researcher didactics and curriculum development in higher education at the Amsterdam University of Applied SciencesMarieke Thurlings is assistant professor and teacher educator at the Eindhoven School of Education (department AP&SE, TU/e),  


6. Student as a teacher (SAT): Experienced SATs train new SATs

By Carlijn Lammers, Luc Tilman and Iris Hagoort 

 At the Department of Human Movement Sciences in Groningen, we have developed a comprehensive training program for Students as Teachers (SATs). In this program, master students with extensive experience as SATs teach and supervise less experienced SATs for ECTS in their master programs.  

Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop, where two of our experienced SATs will guide you through one of our training sessions. Additionally, we will share all the ins and outs of this educational trajectory from both the supervisor and student perspectives. Hopefully, you will leave with a bag full of ideas on how to implement such a trajectory in your educational program. 

Carlijn Lammers and Luc Tilman are teaching assisstents, and Iris Hagoort is lecturer at the department Bewegingswetenschappen, Rijkuniversiteit Groningen/Universitair Medisch Centrum 


Workshopronde 2 

 1. ‘I’m a bit nervous..…’: Exploring support for emotions within student–staff partnerships

By Ruth Healey 

As new partnerships are formed, and existing power relations challenged, people experience a range of emotions. In this interactive workshop we will build on the keynote to explore your personal experiences of emotions in partnership focusing on power relations and failure before exploring what support for these experiences might be provided in your context. Drawing upon the effective characteristics of partnership support found in research, we will discuss a flexible support model drawing on (1) peer support, (2) mentoring, and (3) independent reflective writing. Partnership practice that actively supports the emotions involved in working in the partnership may encourage more partnerships in the future. 

Ruth Healey is Professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and a University Innovation Fellow at the University of Chester in the UK. In 2016, she joined Healey HE Consultants. 


 2. Improving the preparation of students as teachers: Lessons and expertise from Sweden

By Emma Riese 

Join a dynamic workshop to collaboratively improve the pedagogical training offered to students working as teaching assistants in higher education by learning from experience and research at Stockholm’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This interactive session invites participants to share valuable insights and expertise and will make you reflect on the teaching assistants’ training needs. To kick off the discussions, Dr. Emma Riese, the workshop facilitator, will share key findings from her research and practice, such as examples of challenges and tricky situations teaching assistants foresee, have experienced, or dread finding themselves in. 

Emma Riese is a lecturer and PhD at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in Sweden.  


3. Visualiseer het Student as Partner -narratief (in Dutch)

Door Noah Rookmaaker 

Heb je weleens een samenwerking meegemaakt tussen student en staf, anders dan in een reguliere onderwijssituatie? Met de student bijvoorbeeld in de rol van teaching assisstent, docent of als partner in het ontwerpen of geven van onderwijs? Wat was jouw rol in deze samenwerking? Wat was jouw ervaring? Hoe ziet jouw droom rondom deze samenwerking eruit? Tijdens deze workshop gaan we jouw ervaringen en dromen verder verkennen aan de hand van taal en het narratief. Taal verbindt nietwaar? Verbinding is de basis van een goede samenwerking, ook tussen student en staf. We bundelen, visualiseren en brengen jouw ideeën, ervaringen en dromen samen met de verhalen van andere deelnemers, zodat alles samenkomt in één mooi eindproduct dat onze verhalen naar de buitenwereld zal communiceren. Na deze workshop heb je concreet geleerd over jouw ideeën van Students as Partners, de mogelijkheden en heb je praktische toepassingen besproken voor jouw werkveld. 

Noah Rookmaaker is onderwijs- en onderzoeksmederwerker bij het Centre for Teaching and Learning aan de VU   


4. The Big Picture: Supporting  students in developing a broader understanding of their role as scientists in society.

By Alexandre Torres and Christos Vlasakidis  

Students often envision their future careers in research as something that can be performed in isolation, unbothered by broader societal contexts. This mindset can lead to students overlooking  the value of topics such as inclusion, ethics, science communication, science policy, and philosophy of science 

In our highly interactive workshop we invite Students as Teachers (SATs), teachers, and trainers to explore the causes and consequences of this phenomenon, using STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) and STEM students as context. 

We will encourage participants to co-develop strategies to assist students in obtaining a more contextualised understanding of science. These co-developed strategies will also be tested and practised in short, but memorable, roleplay sessions. 

Alexandre Torres and Christos Vlasakidis are students as teachers themselves, at the RUG, in several courses of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, such as Science & Society: Ethical and Professional Aspects and Introduction to Science Communication.) E-mail:,   


5. How to foster learning agility in students: what to say as a student teaching assistant? A workshop for teaching assistants and trainers van TA’s.

By Margreet Docter  

Teachers aim for minds on work and development of conceptual understanding and transferable skills within students. (Minds on work is literally when working on a practicum, thinking about what one does, what can be learned and what strategies to use). However, students may miss this broader educational perspective. Therefore, a BSc/MSc student must shift from passing a course, to understanding the ‘how and why’ of teaching as teaching assistant (TA): they need to start recognizing and supporting the broader goals of a subject. Within this TA workshop, TAs learn the optimal language for promoting a growth mindset, and guiding students in forming habits of mind, that is, manners of thinking that help solve problems, and overcome learning difficulties.  In this workshop, we focus on what to say, or not to say as a TA, and provide short theoretical insights and engaging exercises. 

Margreet Docter is Delft University of Technology, faculty of  Applied Sciences, teacher at the BSc Nanobiology. 


6. Feedback: Cultivating Teaching Assistants’ Professional Growth

By Greta Petkauskaite 

There is a considerable level of interaction between the course instructor and the TAs who support their course. However, given the extensive discussions on course content, assessment, and student-related matters, is there enough time for TAs to learn from their experiences and improve their TA skills? During this interactive session, you will discover the feedback provision efforts within EEMCS faculty at TU Delft and you will be invited to come up with your own ideas. Together, we will explore the opportunities and challenges for TA feedback when striving to establish a robust approach for fostering TA professional growth. 

Greta Petkauskaite is Educational Advisor, TA Training coördinator & trainer, TU Delft, Faculty EEMCS (Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science), Education and Student Affairs department.